
about me

call me ash (or whatever you want. idc honestly)
any pronouns are fine. I am a neurodivergent minor
I like touhou if that wasnt obvious enough LOL
i am also really into vocaloid. and UTAU. and vocal synths in general but mainly those. oh and I draw sometimes. might start composing music someday

that's all you really need to know about me..... what, am I supposed to type my entire life story and every mental illness I have or something

update log

Oct 14, 2024 - moved to
Aug 25, 2024 - new blog post (birthday)
Jun 18, 2024 - new blog post no way
May 2, 2024 - yet another new blog post!
Apr 12, 2024 - new blog post!
Apr 10, 2024 - the site got a leak D:
Mar 27, 2024 - new blog post!
Feb 24, 2024 - 404 page has been set to redirect after 5 seconds
Feb 22, 2024 - another new blog post
Feb 20, 2024 - new blog post!
Feb 19, 2024 - finally added this (lmao), added/moved some things to the sidebar, added guestbook


art, animation, old web, rhythm games, soda


discourse (especially online. don't even try to get me involved I dont care LMAO), romance stories, the flat corporate style

oh yeah, i exist here too
youtube | tumblr | neocities profile