
my opinion on blocking

April 12, 2024

sometimes I worry that people will freak out or take it very personally if i block them but. i think it really isn't that deep tbh. I'm just curating my own internet experience, i will block people solely for being annoying it's not like they committed some kind of heinous crime. like I'm sure you're a nice person but I cannot stand your posts or the people you interact with and i would like to pretend you don't exist

March 27, 2024

I'm restarting this blog, i just think i should actually have something interesting to say Idk

well I'm planning on making a game soon, ive already started writing the script so!!!!!!! i will not elaborate any further but keep your eyes open

This was actual hell to type btw I had to do it on a tiny tiny phone

first blog post (wow!)

February 18, 2024

I've had this site since 2023 yet i only thought to add a blog NOW........ oops
anyways im still not sure how to format these, expect me to change it a million times
yeah this used to be the interests section but i honestly found it unnecessary, im not telling you jack Go find them out yourself bozo. so I replaced it with something less boring I think. im going to make a ton of other changes too (hopefully)